Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Blog Post 7. Athena's Picks

There are those epic films that you see once and that's it. Then those films that you have the urge to watch the next week or the next day even (guilty as charged, I must say). But what about the films that sit in your collection ready to cater for your mood ? These are a bunch that are worth a buy- invest proudly and you won't be let down.

Great films come in all packages so here's a random bunch from the corners of my movie-muddled mind. 

When I'm feeling like I need a hug, I reach for a mug filled with hot tea and happily see... Trains, Planes and Automobiles 

Fed up and frustrated, Col. Slade makes it fade with...Scent of a Woman!

Need something light? Grease is always a good sight!

Wanna have a cry, so what if you're a guy- The Phantom of The Opera!

Girls' night in, this one's always a win...The Wedding Date

Seeking a Disney cartoon with a catchy tune...Mulan!

Filled with car chases and a couple famous faces... The Terminator

Laugh straight for two hours, this film certainly has the powers... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 

In places it's very moving, nice and incredibly soothing... Shallow Hal

Bit of black and white charm to get you feeling calm... Some Like it Hot

A fun sci-fi flick always does the trick... The Matrix

Animations have so much tech, this card beats the deck, it's only good old Shrek!

Political and suave, at least try and see half... V for Vendetta 

An absolute great, Made in 1978 of course it's Heaven Can Wait! 

A film with heart can't decide which one's my favourite part... Catch Me If You Can

It's a 100% true story with great actors that deserve all the glory... Papillon 

So there you have it, a very personalised list of wonderful movies- of course I've missed a lot out but these are the first that come to mind for now with more to come- enjoy and have a good night! 

Blog Post 6.


This film. A cinematic masterpiece.

I love Roger Ebert's humorous review so do give that a read!

Here's mine: 

A truly magnificent film that draws on a man's struggle to survive battling the cruelty of life, the setbacks, the drawbacks, the heartaches that force us to fall flat ready to throw in the towel.

This is a true story. A man that tastes the real bitterness of life, facing and fighting every obstacle that appears.

I don't think I've ever been more inspired. Papillon knows the real definition of bad luck. We have the unjust prison sentence, the worst conditions known to man, the
Corrupt unescapable system and here we have this man with an unstoppable will to survive. Somehow every problem we've ever encountered is laughable.Every difficulty: insignificant. I saw this film completely unaware of the plot and I think it's vital that you watch with a clear mind too. Prepare to be amazed every second is worth your attention, your empathy and your time. Reality can be so much more fascinating and powerful than fiction and this film really shows that. 

Other films that may be slightly lighter that trigger a new outlook include 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'The Count of Monte Cristo'. Survival movies always get you thinking and if you want some further viewing try out 'Alive', 'Cast Away' and 'Life of Pi'. One of them is bound to leave you on a high ;)

Steve McQueen plays the role of his life and he does an incredible job of it. Dustin Hoffman shows off his brilliant dramatic ability and Franklin J. Schaffner pulls off a flawless epic in true nature. But don't take my word for it...
